Living a Caring-based Program (Full Text Book)
Edited by Dr. Anne Boykin, this is the only book that has been written by the
faculty of the Florida Atlantic University College of Nursing. This timely publication offers a description of community building within the College of Nursing at Florida Atlantic University. Nursing education programs have a reputation of being demanding, difficult, and exhausting. Since the education process is the way students are socialized into the culture of nursing, it is the obligation of faculty to create an environment in which students come to know each other as colleagues who are free to express their uniqueness. This book describes the evolution and living of a caring-based program grounded in foundational beliefs and values of person and centered in caring.
This full text book can be accessed or downloaded in pdf form here:
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Caring, the Human Mode of Being: A Blueprint for the Health Professions by M. Simone Roach
This full text book can be accessed or downloaded in pdf form here:
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Research in Caring Science: Measurement and Meaning
Wolf - Instrument Development: Measures of Caring and Related Constructs(pptx).
Z. Wolf. 1. Measuring Caring in Nursing Series – Instrumentation: Overview – (pptx)
Z. Wolf. 2. Measuring Caring in Nursing Series - Instrumentation: Reliability – (pptx)
Z. Wolf. 3. Measuring Caring in Nursing Series - Instrumentation: Validity – (pptx)
Z. Wolf: A. Measuring Caring in Nursing Series– Instrumentation Overview Part 1(mp4)
Z. Wolf. B. Measuring Caring in Nursing Series – Instrumentation Overview Part 2 (mp4)
Z. Wolf. C. Measuring Caring in Nursing Series - Instrumentation: Reliability (mp4)
Z. Wolf. D. Measuring Caring in Nursing Series - Instrumentation: Validity (mp4)
Barry & King -Research in Caring Science: Measurement and Meaning(pdf).
Theory of Nursing As Caring: Natural History –ongoing development – (pptx)
Position Paper: Robots and Caring in Nursing (pdf).
Archives of Caring of the Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing
The Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing is dedicated to caring: advancing the science, studying its meaning, practicing the art, and living it day-to-day.
The Archives of Caring in Nursing has as its mission preserving the history of caring in nursing; inviting the study of caring; advancing caring as an essential domain of nursing knowledge; and creating meaning for the practice of nursing.
Indexes to the collections are accessible on the website at the Archives of Caring in Nursing List of Collections page. On-site use of the materials is available by appointment. Current holdings include the scholarly papers of Anne Boykin, Delores A. Gaut, Madeleine M. Leininger, Carol L. Picard, Sister M. Simone Roach, Savina O. Schoenhofer, Kristen M. Swanson, Kathleen L. Valentine, and Zane Robinson Wolf, and the archives of the International Association for Human Caring.
International Association for Human Caring (IAHC)
The International Association for Human Caring (IAHC) provides the forum for discovery and dissemination of caring science. IAHC members recognize caring is an interdisciplinary collaborative partnership for the well-being of humankind and appreciate multiple philosophical dimensions of caring. Discovery and dissemination opportunities include an Annual Conference, the International Journal for Human Caring, a monthly online Journal Club, and engaged online conversations with Caring theorists and scholars. The conversations and journal club sessions are offered free to everyone.
International Journal for Human Caring (IJHC)
International Journal for Human Caring (IJHC) is a publication of the International Association for Human Caring, Inc. IJHC is a journal that serves as a scholarly forum for nurses to advance knowledge of caring and caring within the discipline of nursing, collaboration with other disciplines that also use care and caring knowledge in human relationships, and systematic investigation of care and caring knowledge. Authors from all disciplines are encouraged to submit manuscripts that meet these purposes.
Journal of Art and Aesthetics in Nursing and Health Sciences
The Journal is an online forum for nurses, educators, social workers, physicians, philosophers, artists, and those in related health care disciplines to share their artistic expressions of caring for others. Authors may submit their aesthetic expressions of caring in such forms as poetry, visual art, sculpture, original music compositions, vignettes, short philosophical essays, and even performance art. Submitting your creative work is easy at
NURSING AS CARING: A Model for Transforming Practice
The theorists, Anne Boykin and Savina Schoenhofer are excited to be able to share information about the theory – its development, core concepts and structure, and uses in clinical, organizational and educational practice and in research, as well as in aesthetic representations of nursing situations illustrating the values of the theory. They invite you to explore the various pages, materials and links on the site and hope you will share your own stories of practice, your aesthetic expressions of nursing situations guided by Nursing As Caring, and your questions and comments.
Watson Caring Science Institute
Watson Caring Science Institute and its programs offer authentic mindful human caring educational programs and workshops, which help nurses, staff and systems transform from the inside out – returning to the core values, knowledge, skill, purpose, and meaning, honoring our covenant with humanity.
The Caring Science programs focus on deeply personal heart-centered theory-guided Caritas Practices to transformative Caring –Healing professional Human Care models and modalities, attending to energetic system-wide healing environment as Caritas field.
Caring Science expands and deepens the conventional model of medical science, offering a unitary world view of connectedness of all –Thus Caring Science programs draw upon shared human spirit for creative new solutions, allowing for expanded views of humanity, of healing, of health.
The Ten Caritas Processes™ of Watson’s theory, provides language of phenomenon of human caring which contributes to healing, wholeness and human evolution, making new connections between human to human caring-love – healing and even peace in our world”~~ Jean
Social Justice Modules ABI Institute-Reformat 2.27.20Books and Journal Articles
Barry, C. D., Gordon, S. C., & King, B. M. (2016). Nursing case studies in caring:Across the
practice spectrum. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company
Boykin, A., & Schoenhofer, S. (2001). Nursing as Caring: A Model for Transforming Practice.
[eBook]. Free download from website
Boykin, A., & Schoenhofer, S. O. (2005). Nursing as caring: A model for transforming practice.
[Japanese Language Translation by Toshiko Tada, Ph.D.]. Tokushima University Press.
Smith, M. C., Turkel, M. C., & Wolf, Z. (Eds.). (2012). Caring in Nursing Classics: An essential
resource. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.
Wolf, Z. R., King, B. M., & France, N. E. M. Antecedent context and structure of
communication during a caring moment: Scoping review and analysis. International
Journal for Human Caring, 19(2), 7-21.
Faculty Learning Circles
Faculty Learning Circle - April 25, 2022Title: CON Building, Archives, & Labyrinth as Expressions of Caring.
Facilitators: Dr. Marilyn Ray, Angelica Bennett, & Dr. Shirley Gordon.
Faculty Learning Circle - August 31, 2021
Title: Advanced Nursing as Caring Science.
Facilitator: Dr. Anne Boykin.
Faculty Learning Circle – September 27, 2021
Historical Evolution of Caring Science by Dr. Marilyn Ray
Faculty Learning Circle – October 25,2021)
Ray’s Theory of Bureaucratic Caring
Faculty Learning Circle - November 22, 2021
Nursing Situations in Simulation
Faculty Learning Circle - January 24, 2022
Title: Caring Based Evaluations.
Facilitators: Dr. Beth King and Dr. Joy Longo.
Faculty Learning Circle - February 28, 2022
Title: Research and Scholarship Grounded in Caring Science
Facilitator: Dr. Howard Butcher.
Faculty Learning Circle - March 28, 2022
Title: "The Value and Use of Nursing Standardized Languages within the Nursing As Caring Praxis Model”.
Facilitator: Dr. Howard Butcher.
Faculty Learning Circle - April 25, 2022
Faculty Learning Circle - August 29, 2022
Title: Nursing as Caring Science
Facilitators: Dr. Terry Eggenberger and Dr. Howard Butcher.
Faculty Learning Circle - September 26, 2022
Topic: Historical Evolution of Caring Science.
Facilitator: Dr. Marilyn Ray.
Faculty Learning Circle - October 24, 2022
Title: Nursing Situations.
Facilitator: Dr. Shirley Gordon.
Faculty Learning Circle - January 23, 2023
Title: Caring Based Evaluation of Student.
Facilitators: Dr. Longo and Dr. Palma.
Faculty Learning Circle - February 27, 2023
Title: Technological Competency as Caring
Facilitator: Dr. Rozzano Locsin.
Faculty Learning Circle - March 27, 2023
Title: Unitary Caring Theory.
Facilitator: Dr. Marlaine Smith.
Faculty Learning Circle - April 24, 2023
Title: Nursing as Caring.
Facilitators: Dr. Ann Boykin and Dr. Savina Schoenhofer.
- Interprofessional Competencies and Caring Practices: Teams Enhance the Patient Care Experience (video)
- Release Form for the Interprofessional Practice Caring Tool (002)
- Interprofessional Caring Toolkit 2017-2021 (ppt.)
Nursing Angels by Vasti Jackson 2018 Artist-in-Residence (Password:review)
Faculty Learning Circle on Nursing as Caring with Drs. Anne Boykin and Savina Schoenhofer
Dr. Rozzano Locsin’s theory of Technological Competence as Caring in Nursing
Integrating Caring in the Nursing Curriculum by Rudolf Martinez