CON Home About College Nursing Organizations Iota XI Sigma Iota Xi at-Large Chapter







A Membership That Matters

Sigma membership offers valuable resources throughout your entire nursing career!
For more information, please visit

For more information about the Sigma Iota Xi at-Large Chapter upcoming meetings,
events and webinars, please visit

How to Become a Member of the Sigma Iota Xi
at-Large Chapter

Undergraduate and Graduate Nursing Students from Florida Atlantic University Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing and Undergraduate Nursing Students from Broward College Nursing Programs who qualify will be invited to apply for membership. Registered Nurses and Advanced Practice Nurses working in the community and seeking membership are required to complete the Sigma Community Nurse Leader Application and submit it to Dr. Rita Gengo at .


Chapter Leadership

Past President: Dr. Armiel Suriaga 

President-Elect: Dr. Raquel Brown

Secretary: Dr. Luci Mendonca-Cali  

Treasurer: Herlie Bertrand