Abi Little

Abi Little

Abi Little, a junior in the College of Nursing’s Freshman Direct Admit program, is excited to serve as the Student Nurses’ Association president for the 2024-25 academic year.

“I love being a part of extracurricular activities and being able to create and attend social events to foster better relationships with fellow nursing students,” shared Little.

Little already has several goals outlined for the upcoming year. She aims to represent the club at both a local and regional level; be a supportive leader for all club members; act as a facilitator for club activities; and ensure future planning and budgeting is carried out in accordance with the wishes of SNA’s members.

Among the special events SNA has planned for the year include the Florida Nursing Students' Association (FNSA) convention in October, the annual SNA Halloween party, as well as some longstanding activities such as food drives, toy drives and walks for awareness.

“We plan to build our presence in the community further this year,” stated Little.

In addition, SNA hopes to grow the organization. The group always accepts new members and makes it easy to join monthly meetings which are held in person and online. Fall semester meeting dates and times are yet to be determined.

New membership information is posted on SNA’s Instagram with links and instructions on how to join or complete a Google form here.