CON Home News & Announcements Welcome Week Kicks Off Fall Semester at Florida Atlantic University College of Nursing

Welcome Week Kicks Off 2024 Fall Semester at Florida Atlantic University College of Nursing

Welcome Week at the Florida Atlantic University Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing, August 19 – 23, marked the start of an exciting fall semester, bringing together students from across various programs, including Accelerated BSN, Freshman Direct Admit Track and Master of Science in Nursing program. The week-long series of events, which included lunch and networking, was designed to engage both new and returning students and encourage them to get involved in the college’s vibrant community.

Events were held on both the Boca Raton and Davie campuses, offering students a chance to rest and recharge between classes while connecting with peers and faculty members. Student organizations such as the Student Nurses’ Association, Nurses Christian Fellowship, Sigma Iota Xi At-Large Chapter and the Student Council hosted tables and shared information about their organizations throughout Welcome Week, giving students a glimpse into the opportunities available within the college.

Welcome back, Nursing Owls! Learn more about the nursing student organizations here.

welcome week