Christopher Demezier
Chris Demezier is a BSN student in the Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing. He is part of the inaugural Honors in the Major program and intends to publish his thesis when completed. Chris enjoys engaging in research, working with College leaders, and has been published in the Journal of Nursing Administration and the Florida Nurse. He is also a dual degree student and is concurrently pursuing his Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology.
Chris graduated from Atlantic Community High School with a diploma from the International Baccalaureate program. In addition, he was dual enrolled while still in high school, allowing him to enter FAU as a second-term sophomore. Coming from a family of FAU alumni, he is the first to go into healthcare.
Chris actively participates in clubs, including the FAU Student Nurses Association, and has organized events that include faculty and students from all program tracks. From raising money for causes like autism awareness to serving the needy in soup kitchens at the local food pantry, Chris enjoys giving back to the community. He also serves as a member of the College of Nursing’s Student Council, where he attends faculty meetings and provides a student perspective for the planning and implementation of changes within the College.
He was an executive board member of the Florida Nursing Students Association (FSNA) for two years, serving as vice president and president, during which time he met with students from around the state to create projects supporting the student experience. Chris is also a member of the National Nursing Students Association, where he currently sits on the Resolutions Committee as an editor. He has also worked as a tutor for peers and underclassmen, and has served as a mentor in the College for three years.
“Belonging to professional organizations has provided me with a mold to become a powerful advocate for nurses. The sense of community that FNSA and NSNA perpetuate allows me to try new things like writing resolutions and defending them in front of hundreds of people.”
Chris’ long-term career goal is to continue engaging in research and to become a midwife. “Witnessing the birth of a child is the most powerful thing on earth. It encompasses the full range of human emotion from joy to pain to fear to love. As a nursing student, I have witnessed the overwhelming and exciting adventure that pregnancy and birth provide, and want to be there to help women bring this new life into the world.”