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The faculty reserves the right to make changes in course content and requirements.

Policies below may be found in:

  1. The Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing Graduate Handbook located at:
    Graduate Student Information : Florida Atlantic University - Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing (fau.edu) 
  2. Florida Atlantic University’s Academic Policies and Regulations http://www.fau.edu/academic/registrar/FAUcatalog/academics.php and http://www.fau.edu/regulations



Students at Florida Atlantic University are expected to maintain the highest ethical standards. Academic dishonesty is considered a serious breach of these ethical standards, because it interferes with the university mission to provide a high quality education in which no student enjoys an unfair advantage over any other. Academic dishonesty is also destructive of the university community, which is grounded in a system of mutual trust and places high value on personal integrity and individual responsibility. Harsh penalties are associated with academic dishonesty. For more information, see University Regulation 4.001. If your college has particular policies relating to cheating and plagiarism, state so here or provide a link to the full policy—but be sure the college policy does not conflict with the University Regulation. For more information, see: FAU - Academic Integrity Resources 
CON Academic Integrity: https://nursing.fau.edu/academics/student-resources/undergraduate/academic-integrity-policy.php 



Life as a university student can be challenging physically, mentally and emotionally. Students who find stress negatively affecting their ability to achieve academic or personal goals may wish to consider utilizing FAU’s Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) Center. CAPS provides FAU students a range of services – individual counseling, support meetings, and psychiatric services, to name a few – offered to help improve and maintain emotional well-being. For more information, go to http://www.fau.edu/counseling/



The Incomplete Grade Policy is enforced. A student who registers for a course but fails to complete the course requirements, without dropping the course, will normally receive a grade of “F” from the course instructor. A student who is passing a course but has not completed all the required work because of exceptional circumstances may, with the approval of the instructor, temporarily receive a grade of “I” (incomplete). This must be changed to a grade other than “I” within a specified time frame, not to exceed one calendar year from the end of the semester during which the course was taken.



Students are expected to attend all of their scheduled University classes and to satisfy all academic objectives as outlined by the instructor. The effect of absences upon grades is determined by the instructor, and the University reserves the right to deal at any time with individual cases of non-attendance. Students are responsible for arranging to make up work missed because of legitimate class absence, such as illness, family emergencies, military obligation, court-imposed legal obligations or participation in University approved activities. Examples of University-approved reasons for absences include participating on an athletic or scholastic team, musical and theatrical performances and debate activities. It is the student’s responsibility to give the instructor notice prior to any anticipated absences and within a reasonable amount of time after an unanticipated absence, ordinarily by the next scheduled class meeting. Instructors must allow each student who is absent for a University-approved reason the opportunity to make up work missed without any reduction in the student’s final course grade as a direct result of such absence.



In accordance with rules of the Florida Board of Education and Florida law, students have the right to reasonable accommodations from the University in order to observe religious practices and beliefs with regard to admissions, registration, class attendance, and the scheduling of examinations and work assignments. Students who wish to be excused from coursework, class activities, or examinations must notify the instructor in advance of their intention to participate in religious observation and request an excused absence. The instructor will provide a reasonable opportunity to make up such excused absences. Any student who feels aggrieved regarding religious accommodations may present a grievance to the director of Equal Opportunity Programs. Any such grievances will follow Florida Atlantic University’s established grievance procedure regarding alleged discrimination. For more information, see: https://www.fau.edu/religious-accommodations-students-and-faculty-8-21-15.pdf 
CON Religious Accommodation: http://www.fau.edu/sas/New.php



The Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing may use students’ course-related materials for legitimate institutional purposes, such as accreditation, university review process, or state board of nursing review process, etc. In such cases, materials will be used within the college and university.